
Our doctors and staff know the importance of your pet’s oral health and the role it can play in the complete health of your pet. Through ultrasonic scaling, plaque and tartar can be removed to keep teeth healthy and therefore pain free. With the help of dental radiographs, we can assess bone disease and prevent unnecessary extraction of teeth.

From simple cleaning to surgical procedures, regular dental care is important for maintaining your pet’s teeth and health. Decay and damage to the teeth and gums allows bacteria and disease to enter an animal’s system, causing serious problems for your pet.

We use modern and safe equipment and techniques to clean each tooth thoroughly, above and below the gum line. Our dental technicians polish teeth to create a smooth, lustrous tooth surface, one that is more resistant to plaque build-up. Fluoride treatments help strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity. We also provide advanced dental care when needed and advanced dental surgical procedures.

Healthy Pets embraces the AAHA Dental Care Guidelines, which recommend regular oral examinations and dental cleanings for all adult dogs and cats. AAHA recommends these procedures at least annually starting at one year of age for cats and small-breed dogs, and at two years of age for large-breed dogs.

AAHA recommends that veterinarians evaluate puppies and kittens for problems related to deciduous (baby) teeth, missing teeth, extra teeth, swelling and oral development. As pets age, your veterinarian will examine your pet for developmental anomalies, accumulation of plaque and tartar, periodontal disease and oral tumors. The veterinarian can perform a basic oral examination while pets are awake. However, short-lasting anesthetic is required for a more complete examination.

Other AAHA Guideline


Pre-anesthetic exam – Whenever anesthesia is needed, special considerations are taken to help ensure the safety of your pet. Healthy Pets veterinarians thoroughly examine your pet to make sure the animal is healthy enough to undergo anesthesia. We may run blood, urine, electrocardiograph and X-ray tests to check for any dangerous heart, kidney or other conditions. Though there is some risk associated with any medical procedure, modern anesthesia is usually safe, even for older pets.

Anesthesia monitoring – When your pet is under anesthesia, its vital signs (such as body temperature, heart rate and respiration) should be monitored and recorded. This helps ensure your pet’s safety while under anesthesia.

Dental radiographs – X-rays of your pet’s teeth are needed periodically to evaluate your pet’s oral health. X-rays also help detect abnormalities that cannot be seen through physical examination alone. They can also confirm the need for tooth extraction when teeth are loose or badly infected.

Scaling and polishing – Using instruments much like human dentists do, veterinarians remove plaque and calculus from your pet’s teeth. Polishing with a special paste to smooth-out scratches to the tooth’s enamel.

Fluoride/sealants – By applying an anti-plaque substance, such as a fluoride treatment and/or a barrier sealant, the veterinarian helps strengthen and desensitize teeth to discourage the development of future plaque.

Home Dental Care

Pet owners also play an important role in their animals’ oral health. Regular teeth brushing at home coupled with regular dental check-ups can help your pet live a longer, healthier life.

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Hayden Run


Houk Road