Laparoscopic Surgery

What is laparoscopic surgery?

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive way to perform many common surgeries, decreasing the pain and recovery time for the pet. This type of surgery gives veterinarians the ability to explore the abdominal cavity using a miniature camera instead of performing a traditional open procedure. Once the camera is inserted through a small incision, the surgeon can use it to view individual organs and guide surgical instruments.

This is the best option for any playful or excitable pet. The incisions are very small making it ideal for an older pet who has not yet been spayed or neutered. These procedures do require general anesthesia, but will normally allow the patient to return home that same day.

What else can be done laparoscopically?

Other laparoscopic procedures that we commonly perform are: Prophylactic Gastropexy, Liver biopsies, Intestinal biopsies.

Contact us to find out if a laparoscopic procedure is the best route for your pet!

What is the difference between laparoscopic and traditional abdominal surgery?

A study published in the 2005 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association concluded laparoscopic spays caused less surgical stress and up to 65 % less postoperative pain than a traditional “open” surgical spay. It can be great for pets that need an ovariectomy (spay) or may have a cryptorchid (retained) testicle. Pets that have a laparoscopic surgery can play normally after 24 hours in most cases. A typical hysterectomy or spay has a much larger abdominal incision, requiring them to be exercise restricted for 10-14 days.

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Lewis Center

Hayden Run


Houk Road