Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a great addition to rehabilitation therapies for animals. Low level laser therapy goes by several other names, including cold therapy and soft laser therapy (as opposed to hard lasers used in surgical procedures). Whatever name is used to describe the laser, the goal is the same – to heal.

Low level laser therapy is a non-invasive tool that provides a means of controlling pain and accelerating healing with no adverse side effects. LLLT is used to increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair, resolve inflammation, and give pain relief. It is an attractive form of treatment for animal athletes, due to the prospect of shorter recovery and lay-off times.

Here are some of the conditions that LLLT can help treat:

  • Muscle, ligament and tendon damage.
  • Traumatic or post-surgical wounds.
  • Pain and inflammation due to joint disease (including arthritis, hip dysplasia, patella luxation and others).
  • Neurologic conditions.
  • Recovery from surgical repair of bone/joint injuries.

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Lewis Center


Hayden Run




Houk Road
