Physical Rehabilitation

Healthy Pets of Wedgewood is one of the few veterinary hospitals to offer specialty care in physical rehabilitation. Our rehabilitation services are located in our Healthy Pets of Wedgewood facility and is directed by Dr. Chip Taylor. The Rehab technician is Laura Stone and she has been working with our group for many years.

The Rehab staff at is dedicated to helping you and your dog overcome and manage conditions that may limit quality of life. They understand the passion and joy that comes from having dogs and wanting to do the most you can for them so that they can live long and healthy lives. They also understand the frustration you feel when they are not physically well, recovering from surgery or are struggling to lose weight.

Physical therapy for canines, or canine rehabilitation, adapts human physical therapy techniques to increase function and mobility of joints and muscles in animals. Animal rehabilitation can reduce pain and enhance recovery from injury, surgery, degenerative diseases, age-related diseases and obesity. The goal of physical therapy for animals is to improve quality of life and decrease pain.

Rehabilitation therapy (i.e., the application of physical therapy techniques to animals) may be used to return a patient to normal function following surgery or trauma or as a part of a long-term strategy to manage pain. Rehabilitation includes techniques such as cryotherapy, heat therapy, massage, stretching, passive range-of-motion exercise, hydrotherapy, therapeutic exercise, use of dry land or underwater treadmill, and strength-building.

Healthy Pets of Wedgewood’s rehab program offers hydrotherapy, low level laser treatment, pain management, fitness conditioning and nutritional guidance to help your pets get the most out of life.

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Lewis Center

Hayden Run


Houk Road